flask-login (0.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * New maintainer (Closes: #836501). * Update d/compat to 10 and raise B-D on debhelper accordingly. * Switch to using dh-python: - add B-D on dh-python. * Add myself to d/copyright for debian/. * Change d/watch to follow GitHub releases. * Change homepage to GitHub. * Build the Python 3 module (Closes: #802614): - replace B-Ds python{,3}-all and python{,3}-setuptools. * Stop building the Python 2 module (no rdepends). * Move Vcs to DPMT git. * Bump standards version to 3.9.8 (no changes). * Build the documentation in a -doc package: - add B-D on python-sphinx, - add links from the /usr/share/doc/python3-flask-login to /user/share/doc/python3-flask-login-doc, - register with doc-base, - make the Python 3 module and -doc package Suggest each other. * Install the upstream README file. * Add 0001-disable-github-fork-ribbon.patch to turn off the GitHub ribbon. * Add 0002-allow-choice-of-nosetests-executable-in-run-tests.sh.patch to allow the tests to be run with nosetests3 for the Python 3 package. * Run the test suite using upstream's makefile: - add B-Ds on python3-flask, python3-mock, python3-nose, python3-werkzeug and python3-blinker, - cleanup tests_output/ and .coverage in d/clean. * Use more general rule to ignore egg-info directory in d/clean and d/source/options. -- Carl Suster Wed, 11 Jan 2017 14:23:07 +1100 flask-login (0.2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. Closes: 718554 -- Tonnerre LOMBARD Thu, 01 Aug 2013 01:40:50 +0200