dodgy (0.1.9-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Upload to unstable. -- Daniel Stender Thu, 24 Mar 2016 14:08:07 +0100 dodgy (0.1.9-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * deb/control: + put group into Maintainer field (unconfirmed group uploads). + updated uploader email address. + sorted build-deps logically. + bumped standards to 3.9.7 (no changes needed). + use HTTPS for Vcs-Browser. + removed Testsuite field (deprecated). * deb/copyright: updated. * Build/run on Python 3: + changed deps and X-Python-Version in deb/control. + build with dh_python3 in deb/rules. + changed deps in deb/tests/control. + iterate over py3versions in deb/tests/dodgy. * deb/tests/dodgy: + put set -e into script body. + use shell loop instead of pipes with xargs and env. -- Daniel Stender Tue, 22 Mar 2016 14:58:10 +0100 dodgy (0.1.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial release (Closes: #788206). -- Daniel Stender Mon, 22 Jun 2015 19:46:09 +0200